Series 3 | THE SELF
1. Character
How have your struggles altered your life story?
This conversation examines these decisive episodes, the conflicts and virtues they gave rise to, and the lasting consequences to who you are.
Inspired by political writer David Brooks.
2. Home
How did your childhood home shape you?
This conversation analyses the formative period of your life, what you've accepted and rejected, and how this story defines who you are today.
Inspired by Christian monk St Benedict.
3. Values
What matters most to you and why?
Using a Personal Values test developed at Stanford University, this conversation will decipher your passions, rationalise what disturbs you, and articulate what makes you unique.
Inspired by neurologist Viktor Frankl.
4. Passages
Have you ever found a character similar to you in a book?
This conversation invites you to find, read and analyse a short passage that expresses one aspect of your life.
Inspired by novelist Virginia Woolf.
5. Love
How does the presence or absence of love cloud your personal narrative?
This conversation examines how experiences of admiration, desire, rejection and loss have the power to distort how you see yourself.
Inspired by painter Édouard Manet.
6. Achievement
Do you define yourself by your achievements?
This conversation explores why success can create an illusory sense of greatness or inadequacy, and how it can eclipse other aspects of your identity.
Inspired by heroine Joan of Arc.
7. Being Foreign
Do you chase the thrill of being a foreigner?
This conversation investigates how you internalise the dilemma of freedom vs belonging into your personal narrative.
Inspired by novelist Joseph Conrad.
8. Gender
How would you change if you had another gender?
This conversation considers how the gender assigned to you at birth has influenced your attraction or aversion to the masculine and the feminine.
Inspired by fashion doll Barbie.
9. The Future
Are you making conservative or risky bets for your future?
This conversation examines what it would take for your future to dramatically change course.
Inspired by philosopher Martin Heidegger.
10. Patterns
What patterns reoccur in your life story?
This conversation decodes inherited, instinctual and individually developed behavioural patterns, and questions the implications of breaking them.
Inspired by futurist Ray Kurzweil.
11. Metaphors
If the weather mirrored your life, what's the forecast for your future?
This conversation will analyse your future life in the form of a cloud, a creature and a glass of water.
12. Parallel Futures
How many futures lie before you?
This final conversation will imagine multiple lives that potentially await you, and ask if you would jump to a parallel universe where all your dreams are fulfilled.
Inspired by philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah.