Series 1 | SOCIETY

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1. Consumption

What compels you to buy new things?

This conversation examines how consumerism harnesses your fears and desires, warps your perception of others, and subtly influences your career choices.

Inspired by artist Andy Warhol.

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2. Individualism

Is it conformist to be an individual?

This conversation analyses how a society that champions individual self-expression renders you powerless and asks how you would use collective self-expression to change the world.

Inspired by documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis.

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3. Status

Are you successful enough?

This conversation explores how your social status creates an illusory sense of success or shame, and challenges you to redefine the status you aspire to achieve.

Inspired by philosopher Alain de Botton.

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4. Sex

Why do we have sex?

This conversation examines how society mystifies the meaning of sex and asks you to imagine how sex would change without Hollywood love-scenes or pornography.

Inspired by therapist Esther Perel.

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5. Marriage

Is commitment an illusion?

This conversation looks at how this ancient institution distorts our romantic expectations and questions whether modern day alternatives are any different in reality.

Inspired by actress Elizabeth Taylor.


6. Intoxication

Why do you get intoxicated?

This conversation interrogates the social forces that compel you to surrender control, escape reality, and elevate your mind.

Inspired by poet Emily Dickinson.

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7. Loneliness

Do we live in a lonely world?

This conversation examines how our densely networked lives have become more lonely and narcissistic than ever, and what this alienation is doing to our souls and society.

Inspired by entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg.

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8. Borders

Have you ever had your freedom forcibly restricted?

This conversation questions the merits of a closed vs open world, how your life would change if your movement was confined, and what you would be prepared to do to escape.

Inspired by abolitionist Frederick Douglass.

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9. Truth

Do you inhabit your own reality?

This conversation assesses your individual fantasy land, and what it means to live in a post-truth society.

Inspired by writer Kurt Anderson.

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10. Attention

Do you know how to do nothing?

This conversation starts by critiquing the forces vying for your attention — and challenges you to redefine productivity, happiness and progress while thinking outside of a capitalist narrative.

Inspired by performance artist Marina Abramović.

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11. Utopias

Are utopias inspiring or dangerous?

This conversation explores your utopian vision for society, where your fantasy comes from, and whether it would lead to universal happiness or catastrophe.

Inspired by painter Hieronymus Bosch.

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12. Power

Who has power over you?

This final conversation analyses the dynamics of powerful forces such as financial markets and political systems, and questions if it’s people or systems that truly control you.

Inspired by philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli.